Thru it all–written July 23, 2009
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sitting and Pondering
My mind was justa wondering
What premonitions
Were stalking my life
It’s demanding my attention
Feels like a conviction
And all I can do
is sit here reminiscing
Thinking of things to keep me on board
Cause Lord Knows
How much more…..
I can take
Before I break
Make a mistake
That I can’t fix
The bills are due
I haven’t a clue
How da hell
My ass
Gonna pull all this through
What’s keepin me sane?
There’s that damn headache again
When does it ease
When will I seize
A moment to just relax
Kick back,
Be on track
My God,
Can you please just cut me some slack?
Sitting still and quiet again
I looked around as I heard my name
A little me,
My daughter
She put all things back in order
Her words to me
So sweet and secure
Were “Mommy I love you”
I thought and replied
“Baby, I love you more”
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