What's in your Bible.???
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
- Women (15-44 years of age): 84.9%
- Men (20-44 years of age): 91.3%

Watch over him...Deploying 12/20/2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Walter Thurmond--Deploying 12-20-2010
Lord, I ask for him courage.
Courage to face and
Conquer his own fears...
Courage to take him where
Others will not go.
I ask for him strength...
Strength of body to protect others...
Strength of spirit to lead others.
I ask for him dedication...
Dedication to his job, to do it well...
Dedication to his country,
To keep it safe.
Give him, Lord, concern...
For those who trust him
And compassion for those
Who need him, and Please Lord...
Through it all be at his side.
I love you always Nephew and will hold you close to my heart
A Moment In My Past...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
You see, thru it all there is no fault or blame. It just is what it is and at this point, it's all good! For the best. I did care, well hell, I still care but I refuse to let you control my life when you don't even accept me into yours. There will be no more introductions of anyone else that I know. You didn't give me the same respect.
I have yet another sidebar that always plays a factor....LIFE...you see shit that you refuse to believe. You let shit ride that you know is not fair or ethical. You live your life and I understand that I'm not included in it to nobody but you. What the fuck was I doing??? Why did I allow you into my life like this? Although I said that there is no blame I do blame myself for my misery in our relationship. I accepted what you told me and not what I was seeing with my own eyes. But I wanted to believe you would not lie to me. How dumb was I?
After crying my eyes out and trying to tell you how unhappy I am in our relationship your only response to me was "alright" and "don't". Alright meaning okay, whatever. and "don't" meaning to not keep doing the things that I've been doing to make the shit work. So how do you go into a partnership and the "partner" is silent. They want the proceeds from the transaction but not willing to put in the work. Read more...
Lakota Schools---Ceasing bus service???
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
After voters again rejected an operating levy earlier this month, officials have eliminated transportation for students in grades nine through 12, and students who live inside a two-mile radius of their school will no longer be eligible for public school transportation.
The changes are supposed to go into effect Jan. 18, 2011, officials said.
During the meeting, some parents spoke out about their concern for the students' safety while walking to school. Others asked how many buses would be cut and if there would be provisions made for children who choose to bike to school.
Officials told students and parents that the board must cut $12 million from the schools' budget if the levy failed.
So what do you think? Take the brief 4 question survey below. Feel free to oomment as well.
Friday, December 10, 2010
This is what i want... Someone to make it like poetry....
Celebrating Elizabeth Edwards...July 3, 1949 – December 7, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
As we are all aware Elizabeth Edwards lost her battle with breast cancer on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at the young age of 61. Elizabeth was the wife of former presidential candidate John Edwards. But this is not the only thing that defined who she was. Elizabeth was many things to many people: a mother, cancer survivor, an writer as well. Having written two best-selling books, "Resilience" and "Saving Grazes," about her battle with cancer and the separation from her husband she was an advocate for many around the world.
- Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, after skin cancer.
- Approximately 1 in almost every 8 women (13.4%) will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.
- Breast cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer-- and is the leading cause of cancer death among women ages 35 to 54.
- Only 5% to 10% of breast cancers occur in women with a clearly defined genetic predisposition for the disease. The majority of breast cancer cases are "sporadic," meaning there is no direct family history of the disease. The risk for developing breast cancer increases as a woman ages.
- Lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm that persists through the menstrual cycle.
- A mass or lump, which may feel as small as a pea.
- A change in the size, shape, or contour of the breast.
- A blood-stained or clear fluid discharge from the nipple.
- A change in the feel or appearance of the skin on the breast or nipple (dimpled, puckered, scaly, or inflamed).
- Redness of the skin on the breast or nipple.
- A change in shape or position of the nipple
- An area that is distinctly different from any other area on either breast.
- A marble-like hardened area under the skin.

Rewind! Life After 100...
Monday, December 6, 2010
Thanks everyone for I couldn't have done it without you. I've made some of the best friends ever that I'm excited to carry forward in my life. And some leaves that are only here for the season. Now, all you branches...smdh... I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with all ya'll but I'll let ya'll roll for a minute..lol! Remember "Roots" that's what most of ya'll are (I'm not gonna say all, and you know who you are...lol!) Do not make me start naming you cuz you know I will put you on blast:) In a good way...well, maybe not.
So, what's to come in the next 100? I have no clue! Keep the topics coming. I'm putting together surveys to get you guys more involved. I really want to see interaction from you. There's nothing like a good debate (ya"ll already know I'll argue any point).
Love Ya, and let's make the most of whats left in the 2010.

Would You Marry......?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Click on your response and select the "Let Me Know" button to submit.
Here is the twist... If you answered "Maybe..." you must comment as to what the circumstance would be. This will be anonymous I promise not to expose you I just want to know what ya'll thinking about. I will post the results along with my thoughts.
To post a comment:
> Select "Comment" at the end of the post
> Enter your comment in the box
> Choose your Identity
> Select Name/Url and enter your name in the box
> Select Anonymous--If you wish to remain private
My Ink....Drops...--My 100th Post!!
Send your complaints to the box
I'll read it when I have the time.
Give me a minute to collect my thoughts
and another to put them in rhyme.
Everyone's happy playing games
but their pushing just a little too hard.
I don't care if you don't know my name,
just keep your trash out of my yard.
We've all got a limit of what we can take,
and I've had it to here with your level of fake.
Respect is what you earn
and Trust is what you lose.
A 2nd chance doesn't mean a 3rd
so don't get the two confused.
We've all got our battle, and each our fights,
but after 6 months of hiding you've lost the right.
Who are you fooling with your lies
that my words are full of nothing but hate?
You lose credibility with your disguise
when we consider what you've written of late.
Now their calling for a truce
when I've barely blinked an eye.
I've suffered enough because of you
so believe me when I say you'll cry.
We both know you hate to see me succeed.
Hope you turn green with envy until your eyes bleed.
Liars and bullies be warned
to a higher power you'll have to pay.
And he won't be conformed
by the pitiful excuses you say.
So keep to the shadows while you can still hide,
and pray final forgiveness will not be denied.
My future No More...
This is me, ripping the paper, dropping the pen.
Forgetting who I was, who I have always been.
Here I stand, one very last time.
To bring you another, pointless, pathetic rhyme.
About a girl with a father, she loved but she hated.
And a guy, she fell in love with, dated.
About the best friend that changed her, set her free.
The friend that will always be, the one that changed her sexuality.
Here I stand, telling you of my therapy sessions.
Another poem of my heart, another "already been said" confessions.
With tears in my eyes, brand new medication on the sink.
A mind filled with far too many thoughts to think.
This is me, for once and for all, swallowing my pride.
Telling the world, I still think of suicide.
And this is me, admitting from the bottom of my heart.
That I am aware, of how much I've torn, and broken apart.
This is me, apoliigizing for one last night.
Saying that I was wrong, and you were completely right.
Here I stand, with nothing but regret.
Because I can't undo the pain I brought to your lives, and I can't forget.
And that's why this is me, walking away for good.
So you can finally forget me, like I always hoped you would.
This is me, ripping my paper, dropping my pen.
Hoping you'll forget, who I was, who I am, who I could have been...
Unfortunately, I have been in this position and never will I ever let ANYONE have this control over me and what my dreams and hopes for success are.
i picked up the pen and grasped it tight
the urge to flee i had to fight
the tip brushed the paper and i gasped in awe
as the glorios words began to fall
one after one they hit the page
and grasped on tight as not to fade
they hoped and twirled on through my mind
and jumped on out the ones i find
then layed on down and shone like stars
good to know their finally ours
the endless lines in perfect script
that cause the balanced scale to tip
now one more page and even more
my hopes to stop go out the door
the sunlight slowly starts to fade
as do the words from out my brain
my dancing pen begins to slow
and the list of words stops to flow
the words quiet down to nothing said
as i get on up and head to bed...
Misperception ... Love or Hate..You Be The Judge
In seeing so many incidents on the news lately of assult or domestic violence against the alleged "loved one" I felt compelled to write this. What are we doing? Why do actions get so out of control to a point where you feel the need to harm oneself or another. And the first thing that is said is "I love/d her or him." Is this really love or a twisted hatred that is carried from deep within other issues....
Life is so unexpected, day after day
Life is another word for love and hate in every way
You can meet amazing friends that you'll love for years
But in the end most friends will just bring you to tears
Life can be as simple as a friendship ending in preschool
Over not sharing a crayon with a color you thought was cool
Or it can even be hating someone you don't even know
But when you meet them friendship starts to grow
It could be meeting your first love, thinking it will last
And when it's over you still think of them day after day but realize that was the past
You could have a best friend one day, and the next they can hate you
And in a snap, just like that, you're over, it's through
Maybe everyone you ever loved was fake and two faced,
They treated you wrong, you did so back, and they didn't like its taste
Maybe you love music, so you turn it up and play it loud
But some will get angry all because they don't like its sound
Maybe you're a loner, so you like to be alone
Maybe it's because your heart got deeply wounded by a loved one that is now unknown
You may love to write, and only have hopes of being a writer
You may be an addict and only want more cigarattes and another liter
No matter who you are though, it's your choice, it's your life
All life can begin with a smile, but sadly some lives end with a knife