With every beat...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

With every beat of my heart
I feel yours inside of mine,
Together they beat as one
Keeping perfect time.

With every beat of my heart
I hear yours inside of mine,
Our chance to be together
The beat says it's nearly time.

With every beat of my heart
I know that yours does to,
And every time it pumps
I know I'm feeling you.

With every beat of my heart
I listen close to what it says,
I hear yours calling mine
And it knows it must obey.

With every beat of my heart
I feel mine loving you,
And with every beat of yours
I know you love me too.

With every beat of my heart
It hurts when you say good bye,
And with every beat of my heart
Drops another tear I cry.

With every beat of my heart
I miss you all the more,
The beat grows ever louder
Until it's like a thunderous roar.

For with every beat of my heart
Inside I feel the pain,
Right now mine beats alone
And I'm missing you again.

With every beat of my heart
I need yours here to stay,
For I miss you all the more
Everytime you go away.


Not Waiting Around...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them" - Orison Swett Marden

As I realize that I will be turning 31 in March, I really have taken the time out to really try to figure out what I want out of life. I'm doing exactly what I want and have had a great time doing it. I have surrounded myself with extraordinary people that have made my life more meaningful and unfortunately others that have made it unbearable. Thanks to my extraordinary friends, I love you all. Now for the people that have come to expect things from me such as time, companionship, friendship for all the wrong reasons or just because THEY want it....well, I'm done with your asses! I'm done sitting around and waiting for you to get your lives together but stressing me and calling me "shallow" because i refuse to go out of my way to do things for you.

Hmm...what else am I not doing? i AM NOT returning text messages if you do not have the decency to pick up the damn phone to call me. I will no longer exist to you! If this is a problem...please delete my number from your phone (I'm sure I already deleted yours). Patience is a virtue that I don't have. And I'm not even mad about it. It just is what it is.

Oh, I forgot! Quit commenting on my facebook pages as well. I'm getting really irritated with all this. Before FB there was the telephone and text was not a feature so STOP IT! or I will delete (Unfriend) you on my account.

You know as we get older our tolerance for some things get really short. How are we to handle things that didn't used to bother us as much. I don't know about you but as I get older I'm starting to "dislike" a whole bunch of mess. I don't understand it really, what's up with this change in me? Maybe it's the fact that I forgot to weed out unnecessary baggage out of my life. Hmmm, why do we say words that we do not mean. I'm really lost with this. How can you look someone in the face and just lie...wait...not just lie in a typical way but a lie so big that your own stupid self have to believe it to try to convey it to someone else. "I love you" are words that are said so loosely these days. You cannot love without "respect" and you can't respect without love. Quite simple!

So let's end on this note, remember the quote "All things come to him who waits" ?.....did you know that this quotes ends with "provided he knows what he is waiting for"!--Woodrow Wilson. How do you just leave out the most important piece of the quote??? Yet another instance where you only relay the piece that warrants what you are trying to express. Just plain dumb! Mr. Wilson, I say you demand respect and force people to say the entire quote....Just a thought!

Woodrow Wilson December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924


Our Deepest Fear..

Monday, January 10, 2011

By Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were all meant to shine, as children do.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.



Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This is natural, they say
It is all for the best
I cannot move past this heartache
This pain in my chest

Those days were surreal
Did this truly just occur
Happiness turned to sorrow
My life now a blur

This is natural, they say
I knew I was going to lose you
The most difficult emotion
There was nothing I could do

I am given no explanation
This is natural, they say
Were you pink or were you blue
My complexion is now grey

Trying to move on
A forward step everyday
I will always remember you
This is natural, they say

But the truth is,
it is not natural to one whom feels pain.
To feel such an emptiness inside, lonliness,
More like going insane.

I wake up every morning and see a mark
But not the image of you but a scar.
I shed hours and hours of tears in the dark
Pleading with God and saying “you’ve gone too far”

I know you are powerful and this too shall pass
But what about me…I know I didn’t fail your class.
Your class of motherhood, for you’ve blessed me twice
What exactly did I do wrong to have to pay this price?

“I would have loved with a love that was greater than a love” like-“Poe”
and believed that “Those who are faithful know only the trivial side of love: it is the faithless who know love’s tragedies” like “Oscar” But what I’m missing here is that I am not faithless. I know love and how to love and what is needed to protect those loved. But as I could carry on with questions forever thru my life the only one that I really need answered is…

Why didn’t you trust me with what is so “natural?”


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