What's wrong people ask. Are you okay is the next question. At this point my very blunt, unedited and graphic response is just this:
I'm dealing with stupid shit everyday! I'm dealing with "girls" (and I'm not talking about my children) everyday that want people to feel fucking sorry for them on a daily basis so you can just..I dunno, think about them maybe. I'm so fucking tired of dealing with insecure GIRLS that want to blame everyone for their fuck-ups in life. Instead of doing what the fuck they were taught they decided to do "other shit" that got they asses caught up and now they want sympathy for their short-comings. I'm realizing that the word "family" doesn't mean a damn thing to some people unless they are benefiting from it. I'm also understanding that apparently I had this silver spoon in my mouth and got everything handed to me on a silver, no wait, platinum platter (because some people think or imply that I'm perfect). The truth of the matter is this. I know right from wrong and I also know that It took ME making a decision to change my life. I believe that I have done the very best possible to get myself to where I am today. Now, I apologize that your mother or father did not hug you enough ( and I am not a compassionate person like that either) but that didn't mean that they didn't sacrifice for you. RESPECT THAT! Ya'll's issues are not my fault...their yours! If you feel like you got the short end of anything go to the source which is not me! It is not my job to run to you and say 'job well done' that's your parents place if its due but the fact that I'm not up your ass or calling you or catering to you does not mean that I owe you anything other than conversation if I should want to converse with you. So at this point my only words are FUCK YOU! GROW UP! MOVE ON!
Now, I'm also dealing with a lunatic that has only grown in body and has the mind of a 8 year old. So for you GIRL, please see above because that shit pertains to you too! I am sick and tired of GIRLS trying to get anything/something for nothing or expecting someone to jump thru hoops for their bullshit but this WOMAN right here will gladly pass on the bullshit that you are serving. The fact that you breathe my air is troubling to me. The fact that I really wish that your air and my air was slightly different and maybe you could possibly choke on that shit so hard that it would bring you to your knees and then you can have every fucked up moment flash in front of you and you then evaluate your decision and realize and say "I FUCKED THAT UP" no anyone else. The word for this post is ACCOUNTABILITY! Can you actually say that you messed up? I remember when you did. I remember when she did and so did he. But the difference between me and ya'll is that I admit when I fuck up and then the process goes as such.."F.U.F.IT" which simply means "fuck up fix it!" Now there is something else to choke on while I know you're getting more and more pissed....and guess what.... I DON'T CARE!
This life that I'm in right now is so abnormal that I really want to just buy a ticket and go... no destination in mind. No people in mind to visit when I get there. It's in so much disarray that I personally don't know whether i'm coming or going. But I do know that I am not in control of it. I'm spiraling into this place where I just don't care. I don't care if my words hurt you, I don't care if you get upset. Everyone has baggage. I swear we do but the question is whether it's a badass Swiss Army indestructible bag or just your basic bag that came from family dollar. The difference between these sets of baggage is simply this: the owner! If you carry your baggage confidently then there is nothing to worry about but if you walking with that FD bag and hiding behind trees, cars, telephones, court papers or whatever tha fuck it is that came with that shit...FIX IT! That ain't my job. I may help and maybe because I know what I'm doing I can help you but what you won't do is take me thru changes that complicate my life and you are not trying to be ACCOUNTABLE. What you are doing is allowing someone to control YOUR LIFE. That's great and fine but ummm.... fuck all that shit! I'm tired of dealing with bullshit of someone else's past. I don't have shit like that going on in my past AT ALL. There is only so fucking much that one person can take and today I'm saying that I'm so cool with biting my tongue. Thru blood covered teeth from the punctures I say this....DEAL WITH THIS SHIT!
I'm I guess a different kind of person. I don't require a pat on the back to get me going, a pep talk to get me motivated. I know what the fuck I'm supposed to do in this life right here! And guess what, it's not to pity you. I don't have time for that mess. Get your shit together! Get order and focus in your life. It's like a fucking math problem. Add up all your fucked up shit and divide it by the good shit and find your "MEAN-ing" of your life. I really hope someone got that and I know that it was waaaay over some of your heads, but I refuse to "dumb-down" anything else. You betta come prepared with a dictionary; Merriam-Webster, Logman, online, pictures...hell grab tha fucking urban dictionary if you have too!
What was the word again....ACCOUNTABILITY...Just because you made a fucked up decision in/with your life does not mean that I need to be there to pull you out your trenches. Their YOURS....deal with it! Everyone take care of your responsibilities....all of them! Do you boo...do you. People quit acting like Facebook is the bible and everyone is out to get you or is talking about you when probably in reality you are the only one talking about it to make you seem more important than what your relaying in your physical form. Walk the fuckin walk! Man, oh man, I starting to sound like my Uncle Jim and dropping all kinds of "F-bombs" but this is where I am with all this shit. Let's understand together, Mark Zuckerberg wanted to create an atmosphere where you could connect with friends, share how you feel, check-in to where ever the hell you are and then he gave us the ability to do this thing that looks like "@type a fucking name here"...............................wait for it.........................did you see that??? He helped you make people accountable for something. Example being this, @Brian Wilson, you still piss the most excellent piss ever. You get it? What I just did right there was make a statement to Brian Wilson and he knows that it was directed to him therefore holding him accountable for the piss. The validity of it all is that you can go to
http://brianpissesexcellence.blogspot.com/ and see that 'lil chocolate cartoon figure with a perfect fade straight pissing excellence from his pants.... pause for you to check it out............. or when I put down @Terrance Cain, why exactly are you singing with a Santa Claus beard on in your video on your page.... again, you can go there and see truth of what I'm talking about.......another pause..... check it out. Now when i say something like "I really wish you would get your life together and make something other than a spectacle of yourself" then it's up to you to understand that it was a general statement and nothing further.
As I begin to finally bring this rant to an end, I'm still a little heated because I'm giving my 200% in this life and I feel that everyone should do the same. Realistically I'm giving my 100% and it symbolizes the properties of this: "The part of a whole, which is ITSELF only the part of a greater totality" Read that statement, and then read it again. Now think about what it means to you. "Mask" are for cowards! Be who you are and be satisfied.
So in closing I say this...I remove people from my life and there are others that remove themselves and I tell you this....THANK YOU, because you have just helped me realize that in the words of my girl Evita "You were a non-muthafuckin factor" in my life anyway!