
Friday, November 18, 2011

It seems that I've surrounded myself with the people who TRULY love me in my life. It never fails that when I 'm having one of those days that I can go to a certain person's FB page and the status will be something that I can relate to in that moment. So when I felt the need to speak to somebody I logged in and saw the following:

"Anybody who is doing their thing and working hard at achieving his/her dreams, doesn't have the leisure to hate or kick dirt on anyone else. So for those out there discrediting another persons character...yours is ALSO in jeopardy...remember that" and also the posting of "The one CONSTANT thing in life is CHANGE and how you REACT to change determines whether you GROW or "STAGNATE". Some People are doing the Same thing(s) they Did years ago."STILL" complaining and "STILL" in the same situation with the "Woe is Me Mentality". If you don't believe me Look at all their Status updates...."

Although you were not there for me to call today I did reach someone that I hold in high regards that was able to talk me thru where I needed to be in my mind. Having me refocus on my life and to have a better understanding of others. People like these two men and my husband's encouragement daily is what drives me to be a better me and to be a better person to others. Never looking down on anyone only to hold out my hand and lift you up to a greater level. Sometimes such actions are harder than others considering the circumstances but you have to be the bigger person and just say "I LOVE YOU" and leave it at that. There may never be words that need to proceed afterwards just merely walking away and letting them know that they can count on you when you need them.

Who would have thought that you can take so much intellect away from something so "comic-al"... Now I understand it clearly and its crisp like the ripples in Lake Michigan "Did it ever occur to you that maybe...just maybe...if you’re nice to people, they might LET you rule the world?" I challenge you to figure out where that came from. And then read it...contemplate it....comprehend it....believe it.... be it!



Mara Smith said...

Very uplifting. Thanks for sharing :)

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