Just Another Day…

Sunday, August 15, 2010

After saying that enough is enough that doesn't change the fact that I still love him. Regardless of how things are and and why they were that way, I still miss him. I miss the things that we used to do. I miss the things that we used to share. The moments that started with silence that ended in laughter. The moments that started in laughter and ended in tears. Sometimes tears of joy and sometimes just tears without explanation.

Dealing with emotions that are out of my control. I hate him, I love him, I need him, and then there is fuck him. But then the heart still bleeds. Though its been years that I've felt this way it hard to overcome what the heart wants. Can you ever choose what you want over what the heart wants? See, I let love in Despite letdowns and past heartbreak, chose to love infinitely and without boundaries. Was this wrong? I opened my mind and I understand that Sometimes we can't put our minds around love ... we can't know why someone chooses to love us. But I opened my mind to the possibility of love. Then I opened my heart. And in learning to open my mind to the possibility of love, and opening my heart to love back, and in return, let love in. Was this a mistake?
Let Love In…. So I've done this, and learned to open my mind and heart to the possibility of loving someone else, learn to let someone else love me back….

Jean Anouilh says that "There is love of course. And then there's life, its enemy." I think that I'm starting to believe this. And then G. K. Chesterton said that "The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost." So , is this where the pain comes from? I so want to take back the saying that "Pain is Love" and just let Ja Rule just do another remix. Hmm, maybe with JayZ and Rihanna or some shit like that! Just another day in paradise trying to figure this mess out… where is my Phil Collins CD at?!?!?


Renee said...

I know it hurts but it WILL get better... *HUGS*

~Trema~ said...

The first thing that comes to mind is " Love is a Battlefield!" A war fighting for what you love. Learning your strengths and weaknesses and trying to figure out which is which.
Are we strong enough to recognize our weaknesses?
Are we too weak to know when to be strong?
Dealing with my own issues right now also.
Trying to make sense of this thing called love!

SinSiNattie said...

Trema, I love this song. And that is a great question....Strong enough to recognize our weakness??? wow! I need to contemplate this.

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