Caring and Kind-- I try to be most of the time but sometimes it's just plain hard to do depending on the situation.
Smart. -- 4.0 Baby! I was taught (by none otha than my momma that education is everything if you {singin} want to be somebody, if you wanna go somewhere, you betta wake up and paaaay attention" to life. Thanks Mom and Lauryn Hill (sister act 2). Look at me know. I was the nerd in school but i'm so having my Mike Jones moment "I rememba baack den"...lmao. "I'm SinSiNattie, don't act like you don't know the name, Ain't nothing changed but my change, I'm gonna stay the same"....whoooo! Boosie gonna need to "wipe me down" B-A-D-A-Z-Z that's me!
Likes to be the centre of attention--uh oh, I think some of this came out in the "smart" section...lol! I really don't I can't turn all this off. I be turnin heads with all this hotness. I swear you can hear a pin drop when this "red" walk into tha club! What can I say... 'ish happens!
Very organized--Yes this is sooo me! Everything has a place in my house, in my office, in my life. Gotta always know the Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? At all times!
High appeal to opposite sex--hmm...yea Luda was thinking about me when he came out with "My Chick Bad".. {singin}"My chick bad, my chick hood My chick do stuff that yo' chick wish she could" ...lol! I swear that I can walk outta the house in crap that I cut my crass in and somebody want to try to "holla atch girl"
Likes to have the last word.- I don't like it, it just happens....
Good to find, but hard to keep--This is interesting... I'm good to find? I guess I am....cuz I be at home. But when you "find" me to be with me, yes to keep me will be the hardest thing you will ever do.
Passionate, wonderful lovers- Whew! Yea, i'm diggin this... I should create a poll...lol. The question would be "Is Natasha > Nattie> SinSiNattie a passionate lover"?
Fun to be around-- I am THE PARTY. I Love to have a blast. No Drama here. I just like to chill and act a damn fool. If you know me, then you know exactly what i'm talking about
Too trusting at times and gets hurt easily-- Man this is bringing back to many memories. I think that I need to leave this one alone.
VERY caring--Of course I care... a blessing and a curse at times but this is who I am. If you are in my "Life Circle" I love you with everything that I have.
Always try to do the right thing and sometimes get the short end of the stick--I do and I do, and I give and I give and all you give me is this popsicle with this damn "joke" on it...smdh.
They sometimes get used by others and get hurt because of their trusting--didn't we already go into this already.
Extremely weird but in a good way--What! I've never been called weird... sexy, intelligent, hot-headed, crazy...but in a good way...lol
Good sense of humour--I think that I do at least. I'm not too serious with anything.
Thoughtful--I think...
Loves to joke-- Q. What do you call a sick eagle? A. Ill-eagle.... heheh
Very popular-- I dont know...am I?
Silly, fun and sweet-- I dont know about that sweet part...hmmm...
Good friend to others but needs to be choosy on who they allow their friends to be--SOOOOOO True...Everyone makes the list initially but "cuts" happen daily...lmao!