Statistics say.... I'm International!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today I got the shock of my life when I finally logged in to see how my blog has been doing since I posted last in Aug of 2011.  So this is what I saw:

There has been over 3,500 visitors to date and this blog has been read by individuals in the following countries:

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I know that I always say "fact over feeling" but this really does feel quite great!  Thanks everyone for supporting me:)  I love you all!


What's Your Card?

25 years to life is what the Judge sentenced him Tuesday, October 25, 2011.  Now after all is said and done, so many people are so upset around the outcome. Soooo...

Let's look at the facts:  Marcus Isreal, 23 from Middletown, OH stole a Cadillac SUV from a bar in Middletown back in May 2011. He then led the police on a high-speed chase (in excess of over 100mph) that ended with him hitting and killing Officer Dulle (who was placing stop sticks in the road). Isreal himself was ejected from the car and found shortly after the crash.  Officer Dulle was pronounced dead at the scene.  

What people are sayin:  I've chosen Fox 19's public page as the source as the people opted to "comment" and let the world see and I WILL NOT remove names (for accountability purposes) BUT I will remove the "linking" so you cannot go directly to their page.
  • Rebecca Thompson-- Well that's what he gets for going like 120 mph and killing a cop! Duh! They need the electric chair back!
  • Ashley Vogele-  What a piece of crap. Lock him up and throw away the key.
  • Karen Daniels-  I wonder how people would feel if it was a white boy who caused the officers death,yes he should have to pay for the crime..but did he do it on purpose,seems he got more time than a person who kills someone intentionly
  • Chuck Yackeyonny-  Karen, color doesnt matter. The P. O. S. took a life trying be a bad ass. He deserves to die!
  • Missy Niebling-Nonnamker- And there it is!!!!!!!   The race card!  Shocker!!!!!!!
  • Missy Niebling-Nonnamaker- Why does someone ALWAYS have to make it about the color of someone's skin????? I don't give a crap what color the criminal is !!!!!! A crime was committed based on stupidity NOT COLOR!!!!!
  • Shelli Caudill Frazier- Never takes long for someone to make it a race issue, does it?? Regardless of the color of ANYONE'S skin...he killed someone! Going 120 mph running from a cop is not an accident.....even if you are white!!!!!!
  • Kellie Gantzer Williams-  Hey Karen... Newsflash: he was found guilty of murder by a jury of his peers... And to be convicted of murder the Prosecution has to prove INTENT... So yes, he in fact DID intend to kill Sgt. Dulle... This case had nothing to do with race from the beginning... Don't bother bringing it up now!
  • Heidi Trusty-  ‎@Karen Daniels the color of his skin ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT MATTER! The simple fact is his ignorant ass stole a car, had a gun that he purchased off the streets to in his words go to Dayton and handle business, led police on a high speed 18 mile Chase. During this Chase he ran 2 other officers off the road before he hit and killed Officer Dulle. Rather he intended to do it is neither here nor there. Common sense hello I'd you are driving at speeds in excess of 100mph trying to run from the cops someone is going to get hit if killed. Your comment is what's racist NOT the jury!
  • Greg Crouse-  i feel bad for the cops family but im sick of how people thart flee from the cops get the stop sticks thrown down they crash into a cop then get charged with murder!its the risk that comes with the job!i guess they should put warning labels on stop sticks that say Warning when sticks make contact with tires the car can and most likely will crash out of control throw sticks at your own risk!!he will appeal! no african americans on the jury!thats just wrong and yes im white!i wouldnt want an all black jury if it was me out of general principal!ohio is the weirdest f*ckin state
  • Brian Sheperd-  I have to ask , why is it EVERYTIME a black person is convicted of a crime and is found guilty its a race thing ? Whenever a white person committes a crime and gets the SAME punishment you never hear a damn thing about race being an issue . Any other state would have shot and killed him as should had been done here .
  • And finally.... "They should have had more African Americans on the jury. That's all I have to say," said Isreal's mother, Carla Comyra.
Okay....That's enough!  I'm all over this craziness.  Keywords that stuck out to me: electric chair, white boy, stupidity. Really people what the hell is really the issue. This kid was driving 120 MPH! The last time I drove at those speeds I know I hit a squirrel, a bird....something!  Honestly I have never driven at those speeds but the reality is that that is reckless behavior!  It DOES NOT MATTER what race you are at all.  People quit tryin to throw that crap out there like it really matters.  Now I understand that you have "followers" which are just people that think like you because you are so closed-minded to the real world but damn, damn, damn!!!! Stop it!!!.  And Ms. Comyra, honey, sweetie….there are qualifications to become a juror!

·         be a United States citizen;      
·         be at least 18 years of age;
·         reside primarily in the judicial district for one year;
·         be adequately proficient in English;
·         have no disqualifying mental or physical condition;
·         not currently be subject to felony charges; and
·         never have been convicted of a felony (unless civil rights have been legally restored)

I’m gonna let you figure out why the hell the jury consisted of who it did!  Sit the hell down!  Did you not know that a jury consists of your peers? Yes ma’am…YOUR PEERS! The fact of the matter is that in 2010 Warren County had a population of 212,693 people OF WHICH 3.3% consisted of African Americans. So, let me break this down... The reality of Marcus Isreal's trial is that....let me pull out my facts....His “peers” statistically are WHITE therefore the trial consisted of a ALL WHITE jury. Even further breakdown… Your peers are people who are equal in such respects as age, education or social class etc.  With all that said…. So Freakin what! This is not racist!  Racism is the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination.    People do the math!   Quit making yourself look so damn ignorant!  

I really hate that people can be so damn ignorant.  The race card has to be played everytime for what reason?  Let me throw out this scenario:  All black jury and Officer Dulle’s race was African American, what card would have been played???  And there you have it! It all falls down to ACCOUNTABILITY. So the questions are this simple:
          Did Marcus Isreal hit Officer Dulle…….YES!
          Was Officer Dulle Killed in this incident…..YES!
          Did Marcus Isreal INTENTIONALLY KILL this Officer….. YES!

Let me explain this.  I don’t think he woke up and said “I’m gonna kill an officer today” but I do believe that when you “flee” (run- I hate dumb’n down shit for people) and you decide to put other people in danger by you driving like an idiot going 120 mph that reeks INTENT! You intentionally decided to be a dumbass and now you have to face the consequences.

NUFF SAID! I "fold" my hand!


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