Couple of things

Saturday, September 4, 2010

So, I've been playing around with the site and decided to change around a couple of things. I have added new features such as "Share" and "Reactions". There is also a search bar at the top now that you can search different segments a.k.a labels(there is current only one "funny how" but there is more to come).

Also, things have been really crazy in my life for the past couple of weeks and am sorry for not being able to get on here and post consistently but I promise that I will make conscience effort to post at least every other day.

Thanks as always as I've noticed that my Stat Counter is above 2,300. Congrats to us all!!! With your topics and my opinions we make a great team! There have been requests of a published book and I'm looking into it…again, that takes time that I don't have but I will fit it into my scheduleJ



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