You Will Be Missed "JarHead"

Friday, May 21, 2010

Today was a bad day like no other. But truly blessed to be here right now. I once dated a man that told me that I was worth it and that the burden of the relationship should always fall on the "Man." He would open my door when we went out and catered to my every need. This was a man that enjoyed the simple things and had really no complaints. Well, there was one...He couldn't be with his kids. He loved his kids with everything that a man should and provided for them beyond what any child support check could provide. All he wanted was a family. The sacrifices that he made in his own life just to see or talk to his kids on any kind of regular basis was truly spectacular.

He was a lifesaver literally for he was also a firefighter at Station 2 in Cincinnati, OH. I was there at times sittin around while nothing happened. I swear those men could make a mean spaghetti dinner... aaah, the good times. Sittin outside watching the people stroll the street and watching him greet the children as they walked up. He paid attention to each and every one of them and if you were small, he would swoop you up and spin you around and park you right on the front bumper of the fire truck. I will definitely be missing that smile from you "JarHead."

I'm overwhelmed with so many emotions that I really don't know what to do. You will always be with me and I swear that no matter what, I will always remember.

Much love always. God, you really picked a great one this time. For he will now be with you and looking down on me...


Anonymous said...

You have my commiseration. Remembering thoses who are/were significant in your life strengthens the heart. Always keep that in mind as you remember them.

SinSiNattie said...

Thank you so much. It just takes time and patience is not one of my strong traits.

Anonymous said...

I know only too well.

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