Watch over him...Deploying 12/20/2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Walter Thurmond--Deploying 12-20-2010

As my nephew prepares in his final hours here, and are slowly coming to an end. I cannot help but to wonder why we are still at war. Maybe that is not a question that I should be asking but as a selfish Aunt my heart is aching. I've known this MAN that was once a small boy all his life and I'm so very proud that he made the commitment to serve our country. Sending prayers and love forever with you to carry you through this journey.

Lord, I ask for him courage.
Courage to face and
Conquer his own fears...
Courage to take him where
Others will not go.

I ask for him strength...
Strength of body to protect others...
Strength of spirit to lead others.
I ask for him dedication...
Dedication to his job, to do it well...
Dedication to his country,
To keep it safe.

Give him, Lord, concern...
For those who trust him
And compassion for those
Who need him, and Please Lord...
Through it all be at his side.

I love you always Nephew and will hold you close to my heart


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